英语口语考试,1.Do you think that

编辑: admin           2017-26-02         

    1. Yes,it do exist .I do not agree with it at all.In my opinion ,everyone is equal ,so we should not have sexual discrimination .

    2. What a wonderful day! How about going fishing? As a Chinese ,New Year’s Day is very important to us .It means a begining of a new year and it also the day that whole family should be together.

    3. If I have the holiday,I will visit the Great Wall.As a saying goes


    类似问题1:英语口语考试(写的好的追加100分) 谢谢英语口语考试1.HOW to describe yourself 2.HOW to improve your study hobit3.HOW to keep fit 4 tell us about your hobbies5.Is not it good to speak a foreign language 6.my favotite book7.How to[英语科目]

    这个别人给你写了也不行啊,口语考试考的是你的发音,流利程度之类的,一般语法小错误都忽略不计了,而且这个题目很明显就是针对你个人的,看别人写的你还要背,到时候都会影响你的眼神交流,肢体语言的发挥的, 得不偿失诶,每题100个也就是平均短句子四五句都行了,你就根据你的情况,在下面写写你的草稿,多读几遍,到时候再加上临场发挥,这样都好了吧,口语考试很简单的

    类似问题2:英语口语试题回答1.Do you think money is the source of happiness or the root of all evils?Why?Most people want to possess a large sum of money,but what is the proper way to make big money?2.Exercise can have many unexpected effects on our body[英语科目]

    1.Money can only fulfill materialistic wants and needs,not spiritual ones.Money itself should not be blamed for the evils derived from humans' endless,greedy desires.I believe money is a tool and like others,it is entirely up to the individual to determine whether to use the money for good wills or evil desires.

    It is natural for humans to desire a large sum of money because of the benefits and convenience it brings,especially in the consumerism society nowadays.Personally,I believe people should only earn the money they deserve as a result of their output,either physical or intellectual.



    类似问题3:英语口语试题,有没有较为好的答案啊 我们期末要考口语,是大学里的,是以小组形式进行的







    类似问题4:英语口语试题求帮忙写答案.1.When you see young children in trouble with one of their toys,which way do you prefer,turning to help them or letting them explore by themselves?Explain your reasons.Can you say anything about the difference bet[英语科目]

    i will just let them explore themselves.this is because i think we should let go and let the children deal with their own stuff.this would help them to increase the problem-resolving skill and imrpove their indedendent personality.and i think this is how the western people would prefer. i think the chineses people would prefer to help their children because chinese parents care their children too much and not want them to have any hard feeling.

    i think rich people are not neccessarily happier than poor people.this is because those rich people would need to work harder to build up their wisdom which would have less time to spend with their families and friends.i think if you are happy and satisfy about who you are,where you are,then you are rich enough.

    of course there is a generation gap between me and my parents.in my opinion,there are a lot of things could cause a generation gap.for instance,lack of communication,understanding etc.if you don't communicate with your parents appropriately,then that may cause misunderstangding and badly it would end up turn to a generation gap.if i have differnt opnions with my parents,i would try to convice them to understand me and be on my side.at the same time,i would try to understand them and make a good conversation with them.

    people can do a lot of things on the internet such as watching TV,downloading books,films and social network etc.I usually talk to my friends through the internet because this is cheaper and more convenience as internet has became more and more popular.in my opinion,i think it is good to develop the internet because it could help us to know more around the world even though we don't go out.the advantage of having internet is that we can use it to research which can get the answers we want to know.also,it allows us to have more entertainment which can make our life more beautiful.the advantage of having internet is that more and more people communicate with each other on the internet and lack of face-to-face talking.

    i think dreaming is as important as hard work.dreaming can help you to have a target to achieve which can possibly lead you to be success.however,dream only cannnot make you sucessful as if you don't do something about your dream,then you will never get close to your goal.therefore hard work is also important.as long as you try and find your own way,you will get closer to your dream.although you can't make it,you still earn something,that is --- experience.it is wisdom.

    The answer above is my opinion,hopefully this can help you!

    类似问题5:英语口语 试题 怎样回答?List three things you and your best friends like best and worst about travel respectively.Do you two have similar or different likes and dislikes?If different,how to convince her about your choices; if similar,how to [英语科目]

    3 best things about travel:

    1,to relax

    2,to experience something new

    3,to take a break

    3 worst things:


    2,time consuming

    3,you might go to some places you do not like



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