变形金刚4英语影评-变形金刚4 豆瓣-英语学习资料

编辑: admin           2017-09-03         

    This film is very good-looking,very cool,but not before a few good-looking.Michael Bbe conducted a steel poetry.The elder brother Optimus Prime once again to save the earth and human beings.This story tells us:no one can stop the progress of science and technology.But if beyond human control technology is a disaster.Technology is a double-edged sword (no sword is a single blade).We believe that human beings have great potential to develop.Daughter is father's half life.Civilians without Optimus Prime and not to oppose the government.





    Transformer is a good movie for both children and adults.

    It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil. Also, it's important to get together and help each other when we face challenges and dangers.

    High technology is widely used in this movie and this makes it so interesting and exciting. I like the movie very much.



    虽然影片场景恢弘,音效出众,不过情节的发展实在不敢恭维.先前还以为是太过注重画面而忽视了情节,但仔细回想一下,确实没什么特别.霸天虎入侵地球,汽车人挺身而出保护人类,这的确是变形金刚系列一贯的情节.可是换成了电影,就不能多些什么吗?除此以外就只有一个男孩的成长历程.扣人心弦的不是情节的发展,而是一个接一个的战斗场景.结尾并非擎天柱战胜了威震天,而是依靠男主人公Sam完成了这一壮举.虽然在老版动画中霸天虎确实要比汽车人厉害,擎天柱的个人战斗力也稍逊于威震天,可怎么也轮不到一个人类来终结威震天的生命啊.不知道号称变形金刚迷的斯皮尔伯格在这一问题上是如何考虑的.显然更合理的是 Sam提供帮助,由擎天柱完成最后一击.魔方,即火种,到底是做什么的?没看明白.有什么神奇的力量呢,为什么能使电子产品变形,使威震天阵亡?还要看第二遍才能弄清.还有就是汽车人和霸天虎的阵亡比例不对.汽车人只牺牲了爵士,而霸天虎仅有红蜘蛛逃离了地球.即使汽车人有人类的帮助,也不至于这么强吧.在人物结局方面交代得也不够清楚.霸天虎众多猛将在混战中究竟怎么被干掉的,我到现在都还不明白.

    当然,情节上也有亮点.幽默是影片的一大特色.最经典的场景无疑是Mikaela帮Sam修车的一段.还有大黄蜂撒尿的一段,真是有创意.汽车人在Sam 家花园的一段也很搞笑.铁皮竟然提议把Sam的父母干掉,汽车人原来也如此疯狂.Sam的爸妈都是搞笑能手.老爸带儿子去买第一辆车,故意去 Porsche转了下,调调胃口.Sam爸妈在房间里训他,看到Mikaela之后就眉开眼笑.原来男生带漂亮女生到自己房间是不会有什么危险的.大黄蜂在买车时搞破坏也挺有意思.霸天虎一员迷乱是影片的亮点.小机器人挺能干,也挺搞笑,可惜最后中了自己的招,说了声倒霉,谢幕了.片中还不时出现经典手势,没被剪掉算是万幸.影片在幽默这一点上做得还是不错的.


    Although film scene huge and sound preeminence but plot development can't compliment.Previously thought it was too much on screen and ignore the storyline,careful recall that does nothing special.Decepticon invading,car people stand to protect human,it is indeed transformers series consistent plot.But changed into the movies,what can't?Besides only a boy's growth course.Exciting not plot development,but a succession of battle scenes.End not optimus prime defeated megatron,but rather on the hero Sam completed a feat.Although in LaoBan animation decepticons do than the autobots badly,optimus personal combat also change in megatron,but how also wheel less than a human to end megatron's life!Don't know so-called transformers fans Steven spielberg on this issue is how to consider.Obviously the more reasonable is Sam help,by optimus prime finish.Rubik's cube,namely kindling,exactly is what do?Not understand.What magical power?Why is it that can make the electronic products deformation to megatron killed?Also look at the 2nd times can be sure.There is car and decepticon killed proportion is wrong.The autobots sacrifice the jazz,and only the decepticons only starscream fled the earth.Even if the autobots have human help,also not so strong it.Figures in ending aspects are not clear enough account.Decepticon numerous well-known in the scuffle how actually killed,I'm still not understand.

    Of course,if the circumstances are also have window.Humor is the one big characteristic of film.Most classic scene is undoubtedly Mikaela help Sam repair section.And bumblebee pee section,is creative.The autobots Sam's garden for a period of also very funny.Ironhide unexpectedly suggested that the Sam's parents to kill,car turned out to also so crazy.Sam's parents are funny expert.Dad take my son to buy the first vehicle,intended to Porsche turned down,a quality appetite.Sam parents in the room scold him,see Mikaela then smile.Originally the boy with a beautiful girl to his room it will not have any dangerous.Bumblebee in buying a car out to destroy also pretty interesting.A member decepticon frenzy is the movie's window.Small robot quite capable,also pretty funny,but finally in their own recruit,said a voice unlucky,curtain call on.Films are often appear classic gestures,not be cut is thankful for.Films in humor this point do is well.


    类似问题3:变形金刚 英语影评 和介绍最好自己写的啊,[英语科目]

    影评:I honestly don't know where to start with this movie.I will say however,that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script.It's cheesy,cliché-ridden,and poorly-structured.Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent.Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history.Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse.The writing of human characters is lazy at best,sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker,fat computer whizz,bumbling government agent etc etc.The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable,but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction.Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know,but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style),but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience.Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism,but it's patently clear that Bay and Co.had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise.GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be,but it is most certainly not Transformers.



    And drive he does as Michael Bay translates the Transformers world of animation and toys to the big screen.

    But before I get ahead of myself I have to admit I never watched even a single episode growing up.I had just hit high school and I wasn't interested.So there wasn't any real baggage involved either side of the coin.

    Yet there I sat in the first public screening anywhere on the planet (June 12th in Sydney,Australia,with Michael Bay introducing it) and it just overwhelmed me and everyone else!There was never a dull moment,the script flowed easily,the acting was first-rate and the seamlessness of the CGI and live action was taken to another level.

    It's going to be the hit of the summer and was better than any of the big third installment trilogies I have just also seen.And I love each of those franchises.

    Congratulations on a movie that not only met expectations but exceeded them.


    Michael Bay doesn't disappointed us.I've seen Transformers in a press screening today,and I'm under the film's impression right now.The robots are cool as much as they can be.Bay's vision about the cult-comic and animation of the eighties has become one of the greatest effect-movie of all time.However I must disapprove that the Decepticons lost their personality,they're just mainly destroying and killing machines,Megatron and Starscream are more complex characters like they're featured in the movie.But I don't want to tease.Spielberg and Bay has created a gigantic,spectacular and funny summer blockbuster movie,that the sequel manufacturer studios can consider as an example.So,Transformers is more than meets the eye!And by the way OPTIMUS RULES!


    I honestly don't know where to start with this movie.I will say however,that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.

    I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script.It's cheesy,cliché-ridden,and poorly-structured.Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent.Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history.Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse.The writing of human characters is lazy at best,sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker,fat computer whizz,bumbling government agent etc etc.The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable,but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction.Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know,but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.

    The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style),but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience.Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.

    With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism,but it's patently clear that Bay and Co.had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise.GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be,but it is most certainly not Transformers.


    *** This comment may contain spoilers ***

    I loved the cartoon series as a kid and,after seeing the commercials,thought it would be freaking awesome.Instead,I wound up stuck in a movie with a ridiculous plot,too many irrelevant characters,and too much sex humor for a movie that is supposed to be about giant robots wailing on each other (I am in my twenties and male,so I can hardly be considered a prude.The fact that even I cringed at the mother making masturbation jokes means that there is such a thing as a limit for that sort of humor).Most of the Transformers do not even show up until the movie is halfway over.The subplot of the signal detection team (who did nothing except point out that some alien being had hacked the network-a no-brainer) could be cut without losing anything of note (except for the funny scene where Anthony Anderson's on-screen cousin gets tackled by the FBI agent into the pool).And what's with Bumblebee pissing on the FBI Agent,and Mikaela making him take his clothes off?The action scenes are stellar,but not enough to make up for all of the other mistakes in the movie.If you copy and pasted scenes from Independence Day,Matrix Revolutions,a bunch of US air force commercials and Bad Santa all together on your computer,you would wind up with basically the same mess.


    Some critics seem amazed by their own enjoyment of the film.For example,Desson Thomson writes in the Washington Post:"Before you dismissthis movie as toy pornfor overgrownboys (not that there's anything wrong with that),consider this:Never was this goofy raptureexplored with more fun.For the non-Transformer heads among us,who couldn't tell an Autobot from a Decepticon,it's a wonderfully playful experience." And Roger Moore in the Orlando Sentinel puts it this way:"We knew it would be dumb.But we had no idea it would be so much dumb fun." Lou Lumenick interrupts his review of the movie in the New York Post to remark:"A box-office analystwhom I respect predicts Transformers will be the year's top-grossing flick.If the enthusiastic response I saw at a screening the other night is any indication,predominately male audiences will flockto see some of Hollywood's most lavishspecial effects ever,climaxing in a battle that destroys much of downtown Los Angeles."

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